Tuesday, May 16

Mr Squiggle

There's been a new addition to my household. Yup, I finally have my very own squirrel! He's called Mr Squiggle and Andy and I picked him up at the Mexican Market in Downtown San Antonio. He's "actual size" and very cute. Made out of clay and glazed.

Happy Jac ^_^

Mr Squiggle

More Mr Squiggle!


Anonymous said...

Oh so cute! Prettiest squirrel I've ever seen. Bet he looks great on the table with the ikea lamp.
Love always (and glad purry is home safely) - Kath

Anonymous said...

He's lovely Jac!

CupKate said...

Nice!! I took photos with my phone of the ones in england - i used to count them as i walked through the park to work each day. I think the most was about 9! Yours is very cute. He just needs a local squiggle friend to say hello!!