Tuesday, August 18

The eyes have it

Sorry for the posting delay. Long story short the card reader in my computer - the thing I rely on to strip images off my cameras - kicked the bucket in a blaze of 'device not recognised' errors which lead to me not simply fixing the problem by opening up the computer, unplugging it, spitting on the contacts and reconnecting it... nonono the minute I got in there and realised how dusty it was I had to take the whole bloody thing apart piece by piece and clean every last dust bunny out of there! Who knew the heat sink would be so hard to reseat and so central to the whole working computer thing...

Anyhow, we're all good now but I'm too tired to post properly so instead I'll respond to the question we keep getting asked which is 'what colour are Marty's eyes?'. The answer is deep navy blue around the outer iris fading to steel blue in the middle, but you have to be in the right light, so I hope you'll settle for this close up. The question I want answered is what colour will they eventually become!?

Oh yeah, and this is what happens when we try to take a family photo while rushing out the door on little to no sleep and another 40+ degree day...

Ahh familial bliss...


Big A said...

Oh that's scary! No wonder the boy is howling!

I'm impressed with the laptop repairs; almost inspired to try to get the little fragments of lunch out of my keyboard.

Jac said...

Heh I wish it had been the laptop... This was my big gaming rig I decided to dissect! Don't try this at home now rings a bell AND I scraped it down my leg just to make sure I was truly sorry.

I think we posted on each others' blogs at exactly the same time! (and I'm too sleep deprived to work out where the ' really goes there)

Unknown said...

I'm with Alastair - scary! But don't be put off - try again!

Definitely still blue eyes!

And definitely a howling boy . . .

Alas I missed getting time to call today, despite it being high on my list, so will try for Thurs am here, Wed pm for you, unless hijacked again.
lots of love

Clare and Hamish

Unknown said...

Good luck getting that family snap...maybe you should try when he is sleeping...
Of course, blue eyes...*sigh*

Mothersupex said...

Those eyes are gorgeous. Thanks for trying the "family photo thing".

You all look a wee bit uncomfortable and hot, but still very nice to have. Ta.

The computer/camera thing. Well Jac, only you could do it, sleep deprived or not.

Thanks again, Jo looks good, though just got it.


Adrienne said...

Thanks for the family shot. MAkes my day!


Anonymous said...

Well done with the family group shot. I agree with the rest, you all look soo tiered and a wee bit alien. Normality will return eventually, the first 80 years are the worst....
The eyes are beautiful, I do hope they stay that colour, shoud do at this stage I think!
I've got tartan eyes, as do andrea and robert. They are good too! and useful for co ordinating clothing colours.

I am very impressed that Jac can even think about operating (major surgery) on the computer. I can cope when it runs out of paper, but beyond that I am afraid I have to pass. Well done.
GA Kate

Freckled Sparrow said...

The family pic is super! Poor little hotties.
Sending hugs, B xxx

Anonymous said...

Hello! That's one of the coolest family pics ever! hee, hee.

hope you are coping ok in the heat.

ok, so... i can leave a comment from my computer at home, but not at work! it seems to be some thing to do with the word verification thing... sometimes there is no word there. Anyways, enough of the technologies.

lots of love to you all! Alison xxxx