Saturday, July 8

Boston Baked Birthday

It's official - I'll be in Boston, Massachusetts for my birthday. I'm of to a "User's Group" meeting for a new software package that we're trialing. It's pretty neat stuff. Not sure if I've rambled on about it before but it allows you to build network of gene interactions then overlay functional pathways and disease processes(like signaling or immune response components) or drug targets onto the network. We're hoping it will be useful for interpreting lists of interesting genes that are coming out of the expression work. I've been doing a lot of the trailing so I'm going to this meeting to see what other people are doing with it and get an idea of weather it is flexible enough for what we need. Should be good. I've never been to Boston so I'm hoping I'll get a little time to poke around. There's supposed to be a big Chinatown which I'm hoping isn't too far away from my hotel. Not sure what else is nearby, I'll have to get online and do some hunting. If anyone knows Boston and has some ideas, let me know! I get in on the afternoon of the 23rd (Sunday) and leave the morning of the 26th. There's a cocktail reception on the first night of the meeting which sounds a little scary, but I may have to go in my day gear since my hotel is a half hour walk away. Anyway, it should be fun!

In other news, it's all pretty quiet at the moment with everyone away. I'm going to a real American BBQ (cookout?) on Saturday evening to say goodbye to one of the girls here who is leaving to take up an Assistant Professorship in Anthropology. I keep thinking it'll be similar to BBQs in Australia, the someone says 'grill pit' and I'm just not sure... It's byo meat and grog so I'm thinking lamb chops...mmm I'll have to be brave though because most of the people I usually hang out with are away, but lucky I have Tom :) I'm a bit whussy (how do you spell that??) when it comes to these social things.

4th of July was great, even with the rain. I stood out on the deck watching firework displays in all directions and in the middle was the leftovers of the electrical storm. Very cool. Then, when I jumped on WoW for a quick virtual run around, they had fireworks every hour as well, so I really was surrounded by them! WoW also had mugs of ale to celebrate so Bravenstar got a little tipsy, which is hard to watch because the screen blurs and goes all swimmy and you can't walk in a straight line if you try. Trying to speak is great, the program slurs your words and inserts hiccups! I did get some kind of bonus (charisma perhaps) for kissing one of the festival celebrants though Don't worry, it was a NPC (non-playing character).

That's all from Bravenstar and I for now. Methinks the Saucer is a no go tonight since I'd probably be the only one there, but perhaps I'll cook something yummy for dinner instead. I've been meaning to make a crawfish tail pasta with a creamy sauce and lots of chili and garlic...


Jac said...

Hi guys,

It's so lovely to have a long update from y'all!

I'm so glat you guys will be at Jo's graduation. I'm really sad to miss it, but in the wider 'missing' scheme I can cope with that one. My thought will be there, as always, so I'm glad you guys will be too, physically and and all, if a little soul delayed.

I'd love to see the photos one day! While I can't quite match Jo's photo enthusiasm (I'm not sure that anyone can) I too love looking at masses of pics and hearing all the stories that go with them. I wonder if we're going to miss out on that magic with the digital monopoly... I still love my film camera but I couldn't afford to use it for a while there!

Sounds like you guys will be teaching an interesting semester :)

Iguana a rodent?? I'd better blank that one out before BigA reads is!

Much love X

PS. Sorry for typos or missense... too tired to proof tonight. Sleep now.

Anonymous said...

Too late about the iguana! Pity we only get the W/E Australian at the shack! But then I guess Meads Inc breeze through those literary ones.

I too was pretty much mystified by your software package, but it does sound a little bit like some of our phylogenetic stuff. Have a look at MacClade. Oh but wait....

Looking forward to the graduation even tho is means I've had to change my return from Queensland to a 6.00am flight. Arriving in Hobart at 16.25 was cutting it just a leeetle fine.

We spent Saturday at the Re-Imagine conference, which was satisfyingly subversive. The church in exile.

Only memeories of Boston are very hot weather and the longest wait on the tarmac that I've had at any airport. Not much help.

Back to work.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous? That's me!

Jac said...

I always knew BigA stood for something...

Jac said...

Hey Lousie,

Great to hear from you. I hope that which won't be mentioned is going well. One of the best thigs I ever did for myself was to finally finish it off and get it in. It didn't feel great at the time but I tell you waht, looking back makes you realise how much of yourself was consumed! Best wishes!

I'll keep and eye out for Foghorn and Leghorn :)