Thursday, April 8

Trying to be on our way!

We've done the teary goodbyes. We've dropped off our gazillion bags and made it through TSA... But now we're stuck doing laps of San Antonio terminal 2 waiting for a flight to Dallas which is currently surrounded by a belt of thunderstorms which is causing the usual US travel dramas! At the moment it looks like we might make it to LA... We'll do our best to keep you updated on here!

For now, here's a photo from a couple of days ago when life was so much more simple!


Mothersupex said...

Safe journey, our precious family, we are there thinking of you and know this will be tearing away at your heart strings.

Yet another beautiful photo, thank you.

Our prayers are with you, for a safe and uneventful crossing of all land and sea, and a touch down that will heal the hurts of loved ones left behind.


Freckled Sparrow said...

Good luck guys!! Safe travels and can't wait to see you soon!
Love and hugs, B and C xoxox

Adrienne said...

Can't hardly wait!
