Sunday, July 27

A real American experience...Baseball!

A few weeks (months?) ago we had a real American experience. I mean, it felt like walking into the middle of one of those films that you used to watch as a kid on Saturday afternoons in the 80s... Yup, we went to a minor league baseball game! It was the Missions (San Antonio of course) verses the Arkansas Naturals.

I'll mostly let the pics speak for themselves but it was a wonderful experience! We were one row back over the away team dugout, so not behind the protection of nets, which made it vital to keep your eye on the ball! Sadly that didn't stop me getting pooped on by a yellow-bellied bird! (either a western kingbird or a great kiskadee, not sure which but it was pretty) There were about 20 of these gorgeous birds hanging out near the lights and then diving in after insects, and I was full of admiration for them... until :splat:

We were greeted outside the gates by the Spam Mobile (I kid you not) giving out free spam samples...Didn't partake in that experience.

One of the things I absolutely loved about the baseball was the food. Not so much the giant cups of beer or the pizza and nachos...But here was a place where I could quite legitimately eat a box of popcorn and a GIANT pickle for dinner! And I did! (in fact I think I made it through two of those pickles, which is no mean feat)

We had a family in front of us and the kid was just desperado for a ball to come his way. If you catch the ball, it's yours. Lucky for us maybe we didn't get too many hurtling in our direction, but one of the guys tossed this little tacker a freeby at the end. Heartwarming eh? It was also lucky that these guys were in front of us because they had babywipes to help me out of my sticky bird situation...

During the game we were entertained by the mascots - Puffy Taco, Ball-o-peno (yep, a giant pepper) and the express news (local paper) dog. We scored the dog in our wing and he was an absolute classic, playing to kids and adults alike (he took quite a shine to the Norwegian lasses!)

If you click to enlarge the pic below you might be able to read the advertising for a fried chicken chain on the foul line... However they're run by "make Jac sad fundamentalists" so we won't be eating there any time soon.

We won the game easily, 7-1 I think with most of the action happening in the first 30 minutes. It was exciting and the crowd had all these little chants and drum beats and stuff that we didn't really understand but joined in where we could. It was a gorgeous night, shorts and t-shits the whole time, and it was such a clear sky. Was gorgeous to watch the colour dropping out of the sky but as the lights warmed up on the field the players and the diamond became almost surreal in their intensity.

The night finished with a huge fireworks display! We'd had such a good time that we were just grinning like idiots at that point! I highly recommend a trip to the baseball!

Another candle

Thanks to everyone who helped make my birthday so special! I really appreciate all the prezzies, cards, texts and happy thoughts. It was a wonderful day beginning with a half hour sleep in, prezzies and brek, work and more prezzies and cupcakes (made by Mel - see pic... I am a lucky girl!) then out to what is deemed the best restaurant in San Antonio. More about that later, once I scan the menu they gave me etc (and finish digesting).

We have a pool party tonight to continue the birthday celebrations but also say goodbye to our dear vikings. I'll try to remember to take some pics. Making some dips and nibbles now, and some batches of sangria later :D

Thursday, July 17

Bad blogger

It's true, I've been a bad blogger, and I have so much to tell you! A 4th of July pool party, a real American baseball game, a trip to the Texas's all there and waiting.

We have our friends Chris and Briony visiting from Oz for the next few days and then I'll try my best to post some updates. I also have to work out what to do for my birthday and for some reason I'm way more stressed about turning 31 than I was about 30. Turning 30 was a Peter Pan moment, I felt like I didn't really have to grow up, but 31 is like sudden ejection into responsible adulthood - bleh.

For now I'll leave you with the cake that Josie decorated for the 4th of July party ^_^

Tuesday, July 1

Breakfast tacos for all!

Just a quick shout out to a few special people who we wish we were with, and if we were we'd be sharing some of the deliciousness that is fresh breakfast tacos! Notably Rennie for her birthday and Clare and Hamish for their wedding anniversary! Also Mum, I would love to be able to shout you a couple of these once you recovered from the surgery. The egg and bacon are my favorite but Jo loves the migas with crunchy tortillas in her egg. Thinking of you all<3

Egg and potato breakfast tacos from the Taco House! Our favorite place to be on a Saturday morning. The spicy green salsa that goes with it is hot and tangy and perfect, and the soft tacos are made fresh while you watch...mmm