Monday, July 23

Changes changes everywhere...

Those of you who are still inhabiting this dusty corner of the interwebs might notice I've made a couple of tweaks to this here blog. Nothing major and there may be a few bugs yet to flush out but I decided that "Jacwabbit goes to Texas" just wasn't an appropriate title any more! We've been back in Tassie more than 2 years now and even though barely a day goes by where I don't miss it - and I still visit as often as I can - the title just didn't fit. This current one is a place-holder until I think of something more snappy. Apparently "Love, life and stomach contents" wasn't appropriate either! I have no idea why... Knowing how quickly things change around here it may be place-holding for a few years yet :)

Other than that I've made a few minor tweaks to the code and the widgets to fit in with the new blogger, so if things don't work for you or you see any obvious bugs let me know so that I can blame google fix them.

I whipped up the new banner pic in about an hour using Sketchbook Pro on the ipad. I had forgotten quite how gorgeous that app is! I don't have photoshop on this computer so had to made do with pixlr for the remainder so it is pretty darn sloppy but it'll do for now!


Gene Hopstetter said...

Jac, even if the blog were named "Love, life and stomach contents," I'd still read it!

Jac said...

Aww shucks, thanks Gene. Apparently that title was going to attract bad 'med student' traffic!

Big A said...

Jac you set a high standard, as ever!

Kate said...

Your old blog attracted at least one med student.. but now I'm past studenthood. So long as any photos of food are pre-stomach I don't mind what its called (oh and so long as there are photos of the boy, puppies, and the occasional one of the Mama and Pogga too!). Nice new banner - will have to try to app on Mum's ipad though I think we had to delete the full version as it wanted your password and was being annoying. xx

Ruthie said...

I echo Gene's comment entirely - not bothered about the name cos if you're sharing your story I'll be reading:-)

We have some sunshine at last in UK... lifting the spirits after the "wettest n coldest" April-June ever...
Love to each xxx

Paul said...

First, blog name is cool. But more importantly, blogger says "please prove you aren't a robot". It really should say "please prove you aren't a robot that doesn't have extremely advanced optical recognition software."

Im still not completely sure I'm not a robot. I don't think blogger should judge me.

Unknown said...

This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. I love seeing websites that understand the value of providing a quality resource for free.
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