Friday, January 16

Some recent paintings

This first one isn't recent at all! I painted it for the beloved soon after she arrived here so that our walls wouldn't be quite so blank! It is about 60x30cm, acrylic on canvas, and heavily inspired by one of my favorite artists. Don't read to much into it though, I promise the composition is nothing if not random!

Rabbit and Jellyfish

The second is the most recent thing I've done. I painted it for good friends of ours here in Texas for their Christmas present. You see, they are the kind of generous souls who always give you 'the best present ever' but are impossible to buy for themselves. The do, however, have two beloved cats Pilchard and Dory - so I decided to immortalise them Jac style.

The cats (Pilchy is the loyal black one and Dory is the somewhat autistic tabby)

This one is 30x40cm and again, acrylic on canvas.

And just to prove that I'm not taking this too seriously, here's a shot of my somewhat chaotic workspace - aka our kitchen table!


CupKate said...

Very nice! And I remember the lovely even if autistic cats too!
*I should learn to proof-read too!

Jac said...

Fixed and thanks :)

Mothersupex said...

Nice to see you haven't lost your touch. Gr8 work, and they all hold special meanings, that you just cannot purchase.

Unknown said...

I love your work. You are so talented.